Category: Research

  • Presenting Research at Asean IVO Forum 2019

    On November 20th, 2019,I was very humbled being able to present the result of my Artificial Intelligence Laboratory research, titled “EDGAN: Disguising Text as an Image” in a prestigious event of ASEAN IVO Forum 2019. The ASEAN IVO is a global alliance of institutes and universities in the ASEAN region and Japan. The organization seeks…

  • ICoICT 2019

    On 23-26 July 2019, several members of AI Laboratory and I had the opportunity to present our research paper at the ICoICT 2019 conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our Presenters There were presented five papers which authored by members of our lab. They are:1. Septian Dwi Indradi – “Face Image Super‐Resolution” (presented by me) 2.…

  • ICoICT 2018

  • AI Laboratory Research Group 2018

  • Mencoba Trello untuk Track Progress Bimbingan

    So, seperti biasa, saya itu inginnya setiap semester mencoba hal yang baru. Setelah tahun lalu mencoba memperkenalkan Trello pada Tugas Besar matakuliah Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek, (meski mekanismenya masih kurang efektif dan masih perlu banyak diperbaiki 🙁 ) untuk semester ini, saya ingin mencoba menerapkan tools ini sebagai sarana melacak progres Tugas Akhir mahasiswa. Besar harapannya…