Category: Lecture

  • OOP IF3809

    Before After shot of OOP Class IF-38-09 There’s a lot of things that left me unsatisfied in this class. There were 43 students in the class and 40 students at the Lab Work. 83.33% of the class passed the subject and 87.5% of them passed in the Lab Work 2016-01-12 – IF-38-09 – Before OOP…

  • OOP IF3802

    Before After shot of OOP Class IF-38-02 hey, I’ve been here before. Well, it’s long ago when you first stepped your foot in this University. 44 students were in this class and 40 students at the Lab Work. About 88.3% of the class passed the subject while 97.5% passed in the Lab Work. This kind…

  • OOP IF3801

    Before After shot of OOP Class IF-38-01 Here comes another class that I’ve been teaching last term. Well, the only problem when I got to teach a class that I have been there before is that I need to come up with another videos to play during the class. Because obviously the they have already…

  • Mekanisme Tugas Besar PBO 2015/2016

    Tujuan Tugas Besar : Mahasiswa dapat mengimplementasikan Aplikasi yang memenuhi konsep paradigma Pemrograman Berbasis Objek Pembagian Kelompok : Tugas Besar PBO ini dikerjakan secara berkelompok dengan jumlah anggota setiap kelompok adalah 2-3 orang, dengan 1 orang yang merangkap sebagai ketua kelompok. Mekanisme Pengerjaan : Scrum Framework Adaptation see : this Tujuan : memperkenalkan mekanisme pengerjaan…

  • Penggunaan Software Versioning di Kelas Pemrograman

    Ini cerita sebenernya sudah pengen saya tulis sejak 2 tahun lalu, tapi karena alasan “malas” dan dalih “saya bukan penulis”, karena itu baru tertuangkan sekarang. Sehingga ini jadinya rapel kisah 2 tahun yang lalu. Sejak akhir tahun 2013, saat saya baru pertama kali mengajar penuh 2 kelas pemrograman, saya sudah ingin sekali mengajarkan bagaimana cara…

  • RAI ICM3602

    Before After shot of RAI Class ICM-36-02 First time teaching final year subject. This subject is aimed as a supplementary if, after you graduate, you want to work mainly as a Web Programmer. There were 52 students in this class, where about 13% of them never did come to the class or even do the…

  • ASD IF3806

    Before After shot of ASD Class IF-38-06 ha ha ha, well played, well played it’s you guys, again. Well, we met at Basic Algorithm and Programming class, so now, we’ll see whether I really did succeeded my teaching for you last term. Hope that I did There were 47 students in the class and 41…

  • ASD IF3801

    Before After shot of ASD Class IF-38-01 well hello new class, hope we can get along well. It was an extraordinary class, I mean, there were about 3-4 students that are exceptionally good for me, tough I think it’s better if “some attitude” can be adjusted to be a little bit more appropriate. But overall,…

  • DAP IF3806

    Hello, finally new faces this semester Before After shot of DAP Class IF-38-06 First programming class for you guys, I hope you like it. Because you got to stick with it ’till you graduate. You can’t run from it, you can’t hide from it. So you must learn it. So brace yourself, welcome to the programming world There…

  • OOP IF3706

    Before After shot of OOP Class IF-37-06 What? This is too? It’s you guys again, but it was last year that I got to teach this class, so moving on There were only 38 students in this class this time, and 97.3% of the class passed the subject 2015-01-20 – IF-37-06 – Before OOP 2014-2015   2015-05-08…